Our mailing address has changed. Please make sure you update your records to reflect our new mailing address!
The new mailing address is:
Marion County Junior Livestock Auction (MCJLA)
PO Box 15016
Salem, OR 97309
The new mailing address is:
Marion County Junior Livestock Auction (MCJLA)
PO Box 15016
Salem, OR 97309
Thank you to our 2023 supporters!
4K Livestock
5G Simmentals AG Sadowski Company AAP Farms Inc. Abiqua Animal Clinic - Claire E Varney Abiqua Landscape Products Adelman Peony Gardens LLC Ag Chains Plus Ager Ranch Aggregate Resource Drilling LLC Agri Seed Testing Inc. AJ Dairy LLC Allied Rock Allium Financial Advisors LLC Amber & Buddy Grant Amber Pattie Amborn Orthodontics Amie Stoddard Amy & Thomas Lear Anderson Land & Cattle Andy Medcalf Construction Angie Moore Ann Goulter Arnzen Electric LLC Ashley Cordova Augustus Group LLC Aurora Outdoor Power Autumn Leaf Landscaping BC Hop Farms Ltd Baker Prairie Farm Barbara and Bob Melbo BC Hop Ranch Bear Electric, Inc. Ben Nelson Beth Stoddard Photography Ben Kokkeler Betty Bielenberg Bill Meulemans Bill Schueller Billy and Michelle Wade Bk Gwilliam LLC B-KAB Signs & Design Bonnie Veach Bountiful Farms Nursery Inc. Brad & Kim Vachter Bree Medley Brentano Farms Inc. Brentano Tree Farm LLC Brian & Tricia Chastain Bridgette Hawker Brim Tractor Co. Brooks Hardware True Value Brown Family L and L Ornamental Bryan and Jill Williams Bryan L Wright Buchholz-Schmitz Farm Bulls Eye Directional Boring Inc. Burns Mortuary Burns-Hale Livestock Butler's Custom Sheet Metal Butsch Insurance Inc. C Galvin Cameron Ferschweiler Candice Batson Carl Cypert Carly Itami Carol Kesch Caslin Cat & Brian Moores Cathy Stewart Realty Champoeg Farms Inc. Char-Land Farms - Charpilloz Char-Land Farms - Hanson Chet & Selena Galvin Chuck Sheketoff & Naseem Rakha Cindy Everts Citizen's Bank Claudia Bishop Coastal Farm & Home Supply - Albany Coastal Farm & Ranch - Salem Collene Kerber Cool's Feed & Pet Supply Inc. Cordon Road Veterinary Clinic Country Financial - Sean Connor Agency Countryside Electric Inc. Craig & Patricia Anderson Creating Pathways Pediatric Therapy Cygnet Group Dailey Construction Dale N Donaldson Dan & JoAnn Keeley Daren and Patricia Webster Davidson Farms LLC Debtra Bonnin DeSantis Landscapes Dickman Farms Don Ferschweiler LLC Donna & Robert Herinckx Duane & Shauna Ditchen Duane Olson Farms Inc. Dynamite Farms Edward Jones - David Eder Edward & Rita Powell Elam Farms Elite OnSite Fleet Services Emery & Sons Construction Engelman Electric Inc. Eric P Bergquam DMD PC Eric Ross Ernst Irrigation Erv & Alice Stadeli Ethan Utter F & B Farms and Nursery Falls Insulation Fast Cash Inc. Faustiana Farm Ferguson Waterworks Ferro Angus Fletcher & David Adelman Fluent Engineering Inc. Frank Lumber Co. Inc Fred Kaufman G & C Farms Inc. GW Hardware Center Garson & Andrea Sonnen Gene Dershewitz George Packing Company Gersten Farms |
Glenn Goschie
Golden Valley Farms Gordel Ranch Goschie Farms Inc. Gr8 View Inc Granite Ridge Farms Grauer Repair Service Inc. Greenup Enterprises Inc. Greg & Jeana Anderson H & K Meats Hadley Family Farms Harold Charboneau Heather Decker Heidi & Tom Hammack Heiser Farms LLC Helena Agri Enterprises Helmer Automotive Henry Guist Herb Yamamoto Hillsboros Best Beverage Hobard Oil Company Holland Custom Fabricator Inc. Honey Bee Hills Dairy Goats Howard & Bernie Fetz Ioka Farms Inc. Ioka Marketing Ivan & Sophia Schurter J Galvin Jacobsen Pediatric Dentistry James & Barbara Kuenzi James & Tonya Schneider Jason Bishop Jason Pelagalli Jason Tokarski JB Instant Lawn Jeff & Tami Nelson Jenkins Family Jennifer Eaton Jeri Falls Jiffy Lube 2589 Jim & Cindy Belden Jim & Tresa Zollinger JK Polschneider Joe Davis Joene Runkle John's Waterproofing Journey Tool Co Joyce Gubbels Judith McAinsh Julie Quiroz K & E Excavating K & E Rock Products Karen Swanson Katharina Fink Katie Muncrief Kaufman Companies KBSG Boer Goats Ken Lee Kesch Family Farms KG Farms Kim & Jordan Donat Klampe Farms Knife River KB Ranch Kraft Masonry Inc. Kristen Mccammon Kristin Bishop Krystles Quarters LLC Kuenzi & Company CPAs Kuenzi Electric Kuenzi Turf & Nursery Kurt & Koreen Metzger Kurt & Nicole Harrison KWS Seeds LLC Lakeside Ranches LLC Lane Manufacturing Co Lani & Joel Dehlin Larisa Kesch Larry & Denisse Helton Larry Keith Larry Ross Farms Larsen Flynn Insurance Services Inc. Laughlin Orchards Inc. Laurie Haney Lawrence Allen Lawrence's Auto Parts Inc. DPA Napa Auto Parts Lazy Jemm Livestock Lear Farms Lee Erickson Les Schwab Keizer Les Schwab Silverton Les Schwab South Salem Les Schwab Stayton Les Schwab Woodburn Linn Benton Tractor Lippold & Holland Long Bros Building Supply Inc Lorie Buhr Low Voltage NW Loyce Gilpin Ganger Lucas & Elsie Brown Madison Montgomery Maria Contreras Marie & Darrell Mooers Marion Ag Service Marvin Kuenzi Material Flow Matthew R Montgomery Construction MC Farms Inc. McDonald Orthodontics McKay Agriculture McKillip's Catering Inc. Meadow Ridge Farms Inc. Melissa & Dennis Gubbels Melissa Gloor Michael & Erin Montgomery Michele Ruby Mid-Valley Hay LLC Mikala Staples Mike Erickson Mike Thies Mineral Springs Mission Lane Farms Inc Molalla Communications Monarch Seeds Inc. Moss Adams MP Cattle Co. |
Napa Auto Parts - Silverton/Mt Angel
Newberg Tire & Auto Repair Nick's Timber Services Northcore USA Northwest Pipe Company Novel Ag Inc. Nutrien Ag Solutions Oregon Gutter Service Oregon Turf & Tree Farms Pacific Coast Farms LLC Pacific Risk Management Pam Bridgehouse PaM Photography and More Pape Machinery - Aurora Pape Machinery - Tangent Pat Twede Patient Support Services USA, LLC Patricia Hughes Pearmine Farms Peggy Sell Performance & Spine Chiropractic Center Pete & Kelly Yunker Peterson Cat Piper Property Management Pohlschneider Farms Inc Power Buick GMC of Salem Power Chevrolet Pratum Co-op Quinalt Valley Club Lambs R & L Farms R & R Miller Inc. Ray Erta RD Farms Rebecca Turner Redtail Excavating Reid's Tire & Automotive Reynold Gardner Riches Seeds Rite Way Electric Inc. RiverBend Materials Rob Bruce Roberson Dodge Ram RSG Forest Products Saalfeld Griggs PC SALTs Pups Sam & Tyrene Moser Sandi S Elwood PC Sandra M & Steven Mark Purdy Santiam Market & Deli Santiam Subs Schmitz Timber Schurter Trucking LLC Scott & Nellie Franklin Scott Heuberger Seasonal Creek Farm Serene Gardens AFCH Sharon Porter Siegmund Excavation Silver Creek Animal Clinic Silverton Family Dental Care PC Simon Cornwell Colonial Chapel Simpson Livestock Sip City Sloy, Dahl, & Holst Inc. Sodbuster Farms Sokol Larkin Wagner & Storti LLC Spinnaker Pediatric Dentistry PC State Farm Insurance - Ed Krupika Stayton Veterinary Hospital Stephanie Hagedorn Steve Esser Sundance Realty LLC Sunflower Farms - Sunnyview Acres Inc. Superior Tire Service Supply Solutions Sweeney Promotions Sygenta Crop Promotions TG Nichol Plumbing Terry & Herm Holm The Jundt Family The Pet Clinic TL Livestock Todd Jensen Todd L Laizure Tom & Mary Lovell Tornado Fitness Town & Country Insurance Treasa Chandler Tree Kings Trench Line Excavation Tricia Stoddard Tractor Rig LLC TRTL Enterprises Twin Oak Farm Twisted T Acres Union Mills Universal Seed Company Valley Ag Valley Sales & Logistics Vannoy Cattle Verona Johnson Veterinary Services of Oregon Victor Point Farms Inc. VSI West Valley Swine Western States Whiskey Hill Wonders White Oak Construction Whittakers Hitches Unlimited Wiesner Metal Fab LLC Wilbur Ellis - Jefferson Wilco Stores Willamette Valley Hops Willamette Valley Pie Co Willard Johnson William & Roberta Bosco William Guthridge Willie & Anne Haskell Willis Dental Winding Creek Ranch Wooburn Veterinary Clinic PC Wurdinger Enterprises WW Western Wear Z Excavation Inc |
Donation to the MCJLA Add-On, Scholarships and Awards may be made at anytime prior to the Marion County Fair to be used for purchasing awards, providing an added sale value to an auction sale animal and scholarships to high school seniors are awarded at the Marion County Fair. MCJLA is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit public charity organization. Your donations may be a charitable tax deduction (consult your tax advisor). If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected].
Add-on donations provides youth participants in the Livestock Auction the ability to obtain additional funds from friends, family, business, and interested parties that can add on to the sale price of the animal of a designated exhibitor. Add-On donations may only be made to exhibitors who quality for the Livestock Auction with a 4-H or FFA project market animal. Select the ADD-ON button and print out the Add-On Donation Form. Please follow the instructions on the form.
Donate to our scholarship account by selecting the SCHOLARSHIP button and printing out the Scholarship Donation Form. Please follow the instructions on the form. In addition, during the auction process there will be an opportunity for interested parties attending the auction to participate in the scholarship donation program by bidding.
Donate to our market auction class awards by selecting the AWARDS button and printing out the Awards Donation Form. Please follow the instruction on the form.